Student Engagement

Our team

The Student Engagement team provides general advice and support to students on a wide range of issues that might be impacting on their attendance, ability to submit work and progression on their course. Our focus is on retention and we liaise with other support teams, academic staff and external partners.

What we offer

Click on the drop down sections below to learn more about the services the Student Engagement Team can offer you.

Read our Student Engagement And Mitigation (SEAM) Leaflet [PDF] to find out more information about what support the team can provide and how to contact us.

Clicking this card will take you to /student-support/supportplus/


Luton campus & other campuses
Level 2, Campus Centre
Luton campus


Student Information Desk


Student Information Desk (SiD)

0300 300 0042

Our phone lines are open:

  • Monday - Thursday
    9:00 鈥 17:00
  • Friday
    9:00 鈥 16.30