
In order to measure the quality of your learning and student experience, we undertake a number of national surveys and internal surveys where we can compare results with other institutions, so that we can identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Final year undergraduate student? Take the NSS before 30 April 2024

The National Student Survey (NSS) gives final year undergraduate students the opportunity to say what you think about your course at the 亚色视频. It allows you to say both what you liked and what you think could be improved. Your feedback will be used to help those considering higher education to make decisions about where and what to study.

Results are also reported anonymously to course teams and wider University departments to inform action planning.

The UKES survey is for Foundation Year, first and second year undergraduates at our main and LSC campuses.

It captures how students are supported to engage with their course. It also measures skill development and the effort students put into their learning and other activities.

It can be developmental, encouraging student reflection on the skills and learning gained and areas of weakness that they may wish to focus on for future development.

The PTES is for students on a taught Postgraduate course (rather than a PG Research course) that started before December 2021.

It covers all aspects of the student experience and includes questions covering support, teaching and resources. There are also questions relating to student engagement and skills development. It is the largest survey for Postgraduate students in the UK and the results will help enhance the experience of Postgraduate students at Bedfordshire.

We regularly ask your views and opinion on different aspects of the student experience. The results from the surveys are reported to senior staff at committee meetings and are used to help shape the university strategy. Keep an eye out for the topic of the month surveys in your inbox, on the banner on the student portal or the digital screens around campus.

Graduate Outcomes is a national survey which gathers information about the activities and viewpoints of graduates 15 months after they鈥檝e finished their studies. For more information visit Graduate Outcomes


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