ICT Apps, Cyber Security and Ecommerce Security (ACE-2019) Workshop

Applications of ICT, Cyber Security and Ecommerce Data Security, 19-23 August

Call for Papers

Our workshop is in conjunction with the 19th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom2019).

It will be held at Leicester, England, UK, 19-23 August 2019. The conference is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee of Scalable Computing (TCSC).

Scope and Topics

This workshop is broad in scope and invites original research contributions on topics that include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Big Data Analysis
  • Smart City Applications
  • 5G Technology,
  • Block Chain and IoT Security
  • Cyber Security
  • Cyber-Stalking and Cyber-Bullying,
  • Cyber-Ecommerce
  • Cyber-Economy
  • ICT Big Data Cyber Applications
  • Security Monitoring and Analysis
  • Digital Forensics
  • Ethical Hacking


All submissions will be made through email acews2019@gmail.com

Workshop Paper

Authors should submit a paper of up to 6 pages of their original work. Submitted papers need to abide by IEEE Computer Society formats, and must be formatted accordingly.

All the accepted papers may also be presented/appear in the workshop proceedings, which will be published in an IEEE Computer Society proceedings (EI indexed, in IEEE DL).

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 28 February 2019
  • Authors Notification: 19 April 2019
  • Camera-Ready Paper Due: 19 May 2019
  • Early Registration Due: 1 June 2019
  • Conference Date: 20-24 August 2019

Workshop committee members

  • General Chair: Dr Xiaohua Feng (亚色视频)
    email: xiaohua.feng@beds.ac.uk
  • Co-Chair: Dr Emma Short (亚色视频)
    email: emma.short@beds.ac.uk
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Yuping Zhao (Peking University)
    email: yuping.zhao@pku.edu.cn
  • Organising Chair: Dr Jon Hitchcock (亚色视频)
    email: jon.hitchcock@beds.ac.uk
  • Program Committee Chair: Prof Junke Xu (University of Foreign Affairs)
    email: jkx@fau.edu.cn
  • International Committee Chair: Dr Saad Amin (Coventry University)
    email: csx188@coventry.ac.uk
  • Committee Publication Chair: Dr Hongqin Yu (亚色视频)
    email: hongqin.yu@beds.ac.uk


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