Centre for Robotics and Smart Information Systems Studies


The Centre has more than 20 academic staff and approx.60 PhD students. Research is focused on computational intelligence and computer networking & security. It has the following four main areas of activities:

  • Computer networking and Security
  • Robotics
  • Knowledge Engineering
  • Distributed Processing

The Computer networking and Security Group has research interests in the areas of ubiquitous systems and cryptography and in network routing and optimisation strategies. Their work was partly funded by EPSRC and RAEng.

The robotics Group has particular strength in the development of cognitive capabilities, including learning, emotion, natural language processing, perception, motion planning and logic reasoning, for homecare/healthcare robots. Their recent development of a robot head that is able to start emotional conversations with human is a perfect example of human companion robot. The Group also conducts research in nano-scale robotics for biological applications. Research within the Group is currently funded by 4 EU FP7 projects.

The Knowledge Engineering Group carries out research in the areas such as machine learning, data mining and intelligent information retrieval. Their work of brain damage prediction for unborn baby using the novel Bayesian Inference was funded by Leverhulme Trust.

The Distributed Processing Group has interests in solving complex problems through parallel computing strategies. The group has developed a cluster which has 30 nodes and is used to solve problems from electrical engineering to medical applications.

Collaborations exist with institutes both within the UK, such as Cardiff University, Essex University, and Imperial College London, and around the world, in countries including China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, and the USA.

RSS has been active on nano techniques research, collaborating with Changchun University of Science and Technology under the university level collaboration agreement since 2010. RSS is now a partner of H2020 FET project NanoStencil endeavouring to develop a new generation and world leading technique for manufacturing uniformed and precise QD arrays. We are also the partner of H2020 MSCA project MNR4SCell aiming at robotic systems for manipulate single cell.

In recent years, CREDIT has also had notable success in collaborating with local industry and has had several EPSRC studentships and KTP projects which work closely with SMEs.

Recent projects

  • Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS) FP7 ICT (Grant agreement No 247772)
  • Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living - Enlarged European Union (SRS-EEU) FP7 ICT (Grant agreement No 287974)
  • Laser Nanoscale Manufacturing (LaserNami) FP7 IRSES (Proposal/Contract No 247644)
  • European and Chinese Platform for Robotics and Applications (ECROBOT) FP7 IRSES (Proposal No 318971)


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