NCCR - Projects and Surveys

Current Survey

Stalking and Health - Healthcare responses to stalking

The purpose of this project is to investigate the effect of stalking on health.

If you have been a victim of stalking you could help us by providing us with the information we need to make positive changes to victim support services. This online questionnaire will take about 15 minutes of your time to complete. All the responses we get will be totally anonymous.

We kindly ask you to answer as honestly as possible. We just want to know about your experiences.

Previous Projects

Police Innovation Funded Project: Cyberharassment: Platform for Evidence Gathering Assessing Risk & Managing Policing

Project date: April 2016 - March 2018


The Police Innovation Funded project undertaken by the NCCR finished in March 2018 and was a programme of work developing a technological based police case management system for stalking and harassment consisting of a mobile application for uploading evidence, a digital risk assessment tool (DRASH) and an awareness course (CyBAC) for offenders in low risk cases. The project involved UK wide consultation with all stakeholders in the area of stalking and harassment, including victims of crime, police, advocate groups and support services to understand areas of consensus which were incorporated into the design to produce a strong evidence base on which to build technical solution. The NCCR developed a mobile application which enabled automated and instantaneous transfer of cyber-evidence. It assured the integrity of the evidence (increasing the likelihood of a successful prosecution), ensures evidence is captured quickly, and reduces the burden on digital forensics.

To access the Android based mobile app, the victim reports harassment to the police – this generates a unique user number and creates a case management record. The victim can then access the app (currently developed for Android) which can capture abusive calls, video, and can screenshot abusive content or unwanted messages from social media sites. The app also records meta data of the communication such as, phone number, location and IP address were available. This information is useful when tracking unknown offenders which make up approximately 30% of online cases.

The DRASH (Digital Risk Assessment for Stalking and Harassment) risk assessment tool identifies and enables the diversion of low-level offending cases away from the CJ system onto a restorative justice course (Cyber awareness course – CyBAC) and avoid the unnecessary criminalisation of people on the fringes of criminal activity and ensure that formal justice processes are focused on relatively serious offences, allowing the police to resolve these cases more quickly and effectively.

Cyber project diagram

Universities UK

Catalyst Fund Tackling Hate Crime and Online Harassment on Campus: 2017-2018

In partnership with Universities UK.

Project date: November 2017 - October 2018

more details to follow...

Previous Surveys

Network for Surviving Stalking

Electronic Communication Harassment Observation (ECHO)

Project date: 2011


The Electronic Communication Harassment Observation (ECHO) pilot study (v1) was first launched on 11 April 2011 to coincide with the launch of Out of the Shadows: National Stalking Awareness Week. The survey was commissioned by the and the results were analysed by the National Centre for Cyberstalking Research (NSSR)


The ECHO project built upon an earlier study and was aimed at finding out about victim's experience of harassment - via electronic communication methods such as the internet or mobile phone. It also aimed to record the impact of this experience on the victim's life.

Cyberstalking in the United Kingdom, an Analysis of the ECHO Pilot Survey, 2011

Chronic Diseases Self-management and the Experience of Online Harassment in the UK

Chronic diseases and cyberstalking/online harassment are two increasingly prevalent issues in the UK, both of which are related to poor health outcomes. We did a study on the extent, impact, coping of chronically ill individuals with the experience of cyberstalking/online harassment.

Revenge Porn

The NCCR were engaged in investigating the impact and prevalence of Revenge Porn with the Harassment and revenge Porn (HARP) survey. Revenge Porn is the sharing of private, sexual materials, either photos or videos, of another person, without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress. This questionnaire aimed to record the impact that this experience has on peoples' lives.

Password Experiences Survey

Love them or hate them, passwords act as the gatekeepers to our online lives. If they fall into the wrong hands, they also leave us vulnerable to cyberstalking incidents. A study was done to help understand the use of passwords to secure ourselves online. This was used so that we could better advise and guide people on how to protect themselves and develop better authentication alternatives for the future


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