Dr Camille Warrington

Senior Research Fellow: Children and Young People鈥檚 Participation, Safer Young Lives Research Centre

Camille Warrington

I am an applied social researcher with a particular interest in participatory research practice, and young people鈥檚 involvement in decisions about safeguarding and care.

In recent years my work has focused on children with experiences of sexual violence in the UK and in particular their experiences of service responses including police, social care and third sector support.

I am particularly interested in how children鈥檚 decision-making informs or is marginalised from these processes and the implications for children鈥檚 safety.

I have an active interest in developing ethical approaches to researching sensitive issues and facilitating meaningful engagement of marginalised children and young people.

Current research projects include:

  • The Imagining Resistance project (AHRC) in partnership with University of Sussex: exploring the potential of creative arts-based research to enhance our understanding of resistance amongst young people affected by interpersonal, sexual violence and abuse.
  • Learning from the Experts (ESRC/ NSPCC) a participatory action research project focusing on supporting mental health and wellbeing after sexual abuse in adolescence.
  • (Oak Foundation) an international programme of research promoting the involvement of children and young people affected by sexual violence in research, policy and practice.
  • I also oversee and support the centre鈥檚 Young Research Advisory Panel (YRAP).

Examples of past research include Making Noise a qualitative study of children affected by sexual abuse in the family network (Warrington et al., 2017); Making Justice Work: a participatory study of young people鈥檚 experiences of criminal justice processes in child sexual exploitation cases (Beckett and Warrington 2015); Research and collaboratively developed films on gang associated sexual violence and the Be Healthy Project

In June 2013 I completed a doctorate exploring service user鈥檚 involvement in decision making about their care in relation to child sexual exploitation.

Prior to joining the centre I worked as a qualified youth worker in a variety of voluntary and statutory sector projects both as a practitioner and researcher including leaving care teams, youth services, and provision for young Gypsy and Travellers.


  • Professional Doctorate: 鈥 The 亚色视频
  • MA Youth and Community and Applied Anthropology 鈥 Goldsmiths College
  • MA (Hons) Politics and Film and Television - Glasgow University

Teaching Role

  • Postgraduate supervision including examination of doctoral students
  • Postgraduate and undergraduate teaching including on the Professional Doctorate in Leadership in Children and Young People's Services and Masters units on Child Sexual Exploitation; Conceptual Frameworks and Methodologies

Research Interests

  • Children鈥檚 rights and participation
  • Child sexual abuse
  • Criminal justice responses to children affected by violence and abuse
  • Children鈥檚 involvement in decision-making about professional support
  • Ethical approaches to researching sensitive issues
  • Use of creative and participatory research methodologies

Service to the Academic/Professional Community

  • Member of Research Institute Ethics Committee
  • Advisory council member of Association of Young People鈥檚 Health
  • Director of Abianda

Selected journal articles and book chapters

  • Hill, N and Warrington, C (2021 forthcoming) 鈥楴othing about me without me鈥, in Holmes, D (ed) Safeguarding Adolescents. London: Routledge
  • Warrington C, Larkins C. (2019) . Journal of Children鈥檚 Services. 14(3):133-142. doi:10.1108/JCS-09-2019-055
  • Hamilton, CJ, Rodgers, A, Howard, K & Warrington, C (2019) 鈥樷, Journal of Children鈥檚 Services, 14(3): pp. 228鈥234. doi:10.1108/JCS-07-2019-0037.
  • Warrington C and Brodie, I (2017) 鈥樷 in Pearce and Beckett (eds)
  • Firmin, C., Warrington, C., & Pearce, J. (2016). . British Journal of Social Work, 46(8), 2318鈥2337. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcw134
  • Warrington, C. (2013) 鈥.鈥 in Melrose, M. and Pearce, J. (eds.) . (pp. 110 鈥 124) Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Warrington, C. (2010) 鈥樷. Youth and Policy, Vol 104 pp 62- 79

Reports and briefings

  • Beckett, H. and Warrington, C. with Devlin, J (2019) ''. London: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, and Young people鈥檚 summary: [PDF]
  • Bovarnick, S., Peace, D., Warrington, C., & Pearce, J. J. (2018). [PDF]. Luton: 亚色视频
  • Warrington C (2017) Young person-centred approaches in CSE - promoting participation and building self-efficacy: Frontline Briefing. Dartington: Research in Practice.
  • Warrington, C, Ackerley, E, Beckett, H, Walker, M & Allnock, D (2016) 鈥 Luton: 亚色视频/ Children鈥檚 Commissioner.
  • Warrington, C. and Thomas, R. (2016) 鈥The AVA project: empowering young people to address domestic and sexual violence: final evaluation report[PDF] London: AVA
  • Beckett, H, Warrington, C, Ackerley, E & Allnock, D (2015) '鈥 and Young people鈥檚 summary [PDF]
  • Beckett, H. and Warrington, C. (2015) 鈥. Luton: 亚色视频
  • Beckett, H. and Warrington, C. (2014) 鈥. London: 亚色视频/ Victim Support

Participation project outputs

  • Making Noise: Children鈥檚 Voices for positive change after sexual abuse: Film. 2016
  • Children鈥檚 voices: children and young people鈥檚 perspectives on the police鈥檚 role in safeguarding
  • I define me; Just a Link Misunderstood; Love, Sex. Conflict: Four films about gang associated sexual exploitation. 2013. Luton. 亚色视频
  • . 2013. London AYPH
  • 'In a New Light鈥 [PDF] Photographs and words from the Having our Say Project 2008. London. NWG/ Photovoice

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