UK students
UK students Undergraduate entry requirements
Standard entry requirements for Foundation degrees (FdA/FdSc)
A foundation degree will be of particular interest if you have completed a Modern Apprenticeship, vocational A levels, BTEC National or equivalent.
Foundation degrees are also particularly suitable if you want to qualify while working.
- As a guideline, a typical offer would require you to obtain a UCAS tariff score of at least 32 points, based on your level 3 studies.
Many students studying for foundation degrees come to us through work-based routes so you can apply for a foundation degree even if you don't have traditional academic qualifications.
We welcome applicants with relevant work experience.
Standard entry requirements for Undergraduate degrees (BA/BSc)
We will consider you as an individual and take into account all elements of your application, not just your qualifications. We are looking for both breadth and depth in your current studies as well as enthusiasm for the subject you wish to study.
The general requirement is one of the following:
- UCAS Tariff Score greater than 80, which should include either two A level passes at C or above or an AVCE Double Award
- UCAS Tariff Score greater than 80 from BTEC QCF Qualifications would should include a minimum of Merit Merit from either two BTEC Subsidiary Diplomas or from a BTEC Diploma or Merit Merit Pass in the BTEC Extended Diploma
- UCAS Tariff Score greater than 80 from a combination of A level and BTEC QCF qualifications
- An Access qualification
- Equivalent qualifications such as Irish Leaving Certificate, OCR Nationals, International Baccalaureate and CACHE Level 3 awards.
The Admissions Team would be pleased to offer any additional guidance on whether the qualifications you currently hold or are taking would be suitable for entry and can be contacted via email to or by telephone 01582 743500.
Standard entry requirements for Postgraduate degrees
Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree at Honours level, or equivalent.
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