Esin Yucel

Lecturer in Business Management

Esin Yucel is a Lecturer in Business Management at Bedfordshire University. She received her bachelor鈥檚 degree in economics, her master's degree in psychology and business administration and her Ph.D. degree in management and organisation. After receiving her bachelor's degree, she worked in various international organizations including Maersk Line for about 10 years in different managerial positions both in T眉rkiye and abroad. She is teaching undergraduate and graduate course on Leadership, Management and Organisation, Management in Multinational Companies, Strategic Management, and Human Resources Management. Her areas of interest are organizational behaviour, leadership, and human resources management.

Other References


  • Undergrad. Economics Kocaeli University 2005
  • Grad. Business Administration (MBA) Yeditepe University 2016
  • Grad. Psychology - Altinbas University 2022
  • PhD. Business Administration (Specialization:Management and Organization) - Yeditepe University 2021

Teaching Expertise

  • Business Communications and Negotiation Techniques (undergraduate)
  • Management and Organization Theory (graduate/doctorate)
  • Organizational Behaviour and Leadership (graduate)
  • Strategic Management (graduate/doctorate)
  • Management and Organization (undergraduate)
  • Human Resources Management (undergraduate)
  • Management of Multinational Corporates (undergraduate)

Research Interests

  • Organizational behaviour, Leadership, and Human resources management


  • A Research on the Management of Diversity in the Context of Human Rights in the Logistics Sector and Policy Suggestions, Altinbas University (Scientific Research Project Owner) (September 2022 鈥 May 2023)


Articles Published in Peer Reviewed International Journals

  • Y眉cel, E. (2024) Evaluation of Gig Economy Employees in the Context of Connectivism Learning Theory: A Mixed Method Research. Istanbul Ticaret University Social Sciences Journal.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2023) A Research on Diversity Management in the Logistics Sector and Policy Recommendations. Istanbul Gelisim University Journal of Social Sciences (陌G脺SBD) (in-press).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2023). Agile Human Resources Practices in Decentralized Autonomous
  • Organizations: A conceptual Study. International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). The Future of Artificial Intelligence: How Emotions Will Affect Artificial Intelligence? Journal of Business in The Digital Age.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E., Arsan, B. & Be艧o臒ul, K. (2022). Circular Economy and Industry 4.0's Sustainable
  • Impact on the Realisation of Development Goals: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Information Social Sciences.
  • Yahyagil, M.Y. & Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2018). The Trade-off Between the Willingness of Risk-Taking
  • Concerning Universal Values and Flourishing Level among Students and Employees. The International Journal of Business and Management.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Kunday, 脰. (2018). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Engagement with the Moderating Role of Gender. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research.

Papers Delivered in International Conferences and Printed as Proceedings

  • Yildirim, E. & Yucel, E. (2024). The effect of green advertising applications on green product purchase intention: A research on gender, 10th Global Business Research Congress.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). Agile Human Resources Practices in Decentralized
  • Autonomous Organizations: A Conceptual Study, 2nd. International Congress on Digital Business, Management & Economics (ICDBME).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2022). The Relationship Between Lean Entrepreneurship and Agile Innovation inthe Digital Business Ecosystem, 2nd. International Congress on Digital Business, Management & Economics (ICDBME).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2022). Sustainable Development Goal 5- Gender Equality: A Study on the Logistics Sector. Circular Economy Series II (CES II).
  • Alkan, D.P., Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). How can the Circular Economy contribute to the achievement of SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth? Circular Economy Series II (CES II).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). Strategic Flexibility and Disruptive Innovation in the Digital Business Ecosystem, II.Internat谋onal Istanbul Economics Research Conference (IIERC).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E., Arsan, B. & Be艧o臒ul, K. (2021). Circular Economy and Industry 4.0, Sustainable
  • How can it contribute to achieving the Development Goals? 5th Yeditepe International Research Conference On Business Strategies (YIRCoBS鈥21).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2021). A Review on the Human Dimension of Circular Economy, 5th Yeditepe International Research Conference on Business Strategies (YIRCoBS鈥21).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2020). The Relationship Between Health Literacy and Patient Satisfaction: A Study on A Foundation University Students in Istanbul (2nd International Social Innovation Congress (ISIC).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2019). Who will be the decision makers in the future? Human or Artificial Intelligence? International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy (ICOMEP).
  • Alkan, D.P. & Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2019). Digitalized Change of Management Skills. Business and Management Sciences International Congress.

Books Published Internationally

  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2022). The Role of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Creativity Through The Use Of Organizational Climate and Employee Learning Orientation: A Study in Turkish Retail Sector. Hiperlink Publishing.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2016). Emotional Intelligence, Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Chapters in Books Published Internationally

  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2022). Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem. Digital Entrepreneurship, Innovation and R&D Studies, 17. Efe Academy Publishing.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2022). A Review on the Human Dimension of the Circular Economy, A Sustainable Circular Economy as a Multidisciplinary Approach for the Future, Yeditepe University Press.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E., & Arsan, B. (2022). Green Entrepreneurship Digital Entrepreneurship, Innovation and R&D Studies, 17. Efe Academy Publishing.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). The Role of Lean Production Model in the Context of Green Sustainability, Circular Economy as a Multidisciplinary Approach for a Sustainable Future, Yeditepe University Press.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). How Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Development Goals Can Enhance Lean Practices? Lean Thinking in Industry 4.0 and Services for Society, IGI Global.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). Digitalizing Organizational Culture and Integration into Metaverse Universe, Alternatif Dijital Evren Metaverse, NEU.
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Arsan, B. (2022). The Impact of Machine Learning on Organisational Agility in the Context of Industry 4.0 Applications: A Conceptual Study, Machine Learning, Yeditepe University Press.
  • Kunday, 脰., Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2016). Practices for Engaging the 21st Century Workforce- William G. Castellano), Chapter 8: Achieving Success in the New Normal (Nobel Publishing, 2016).

Papers Delivered in National Conferences and Printed as Proceedings

  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Alkan, D.P. (2023). Green Human Resource Management: A Bibliometric Analysis of International Literature. (10th Organizational Behaviour Congress).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Alkan, D.P. (2022). Common Method Variance in Organisational Behaviour: Higher Education Council a Systematic Review on Doctoral Theses in the Thesis Centre Database (9th Organizational Behavior Congress).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Alkan, D. P. (2021). Employment of the Future, the TIG Employee: Transforming Organisation Structures and Human Resources Applications. (8th Organizational Behavior Congress).
  • Alkan, D.P. & Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2018). Research in Organizational Behavior Field: Content Analysis between the years of 2013-2017 in International Refereed Journal (6th Organizational Behavior Congress).
  • Kunday, 脰., Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Ayka莽, C. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Employee Engagement: A study among Academicians and Professionals (25th Management and Organization Congress).

Book Editorship

  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. & Canbulut M. (2024). 鈥淐orporate Sustainability in the Age of Circular Economy鈥. Altinbas University Publishing & Nobel Publishing.

Other Publications

  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2020). The Role of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Creativity Through the Use of Organizational Climate and Employee Learning Orientation: A Study in Turkish Retail Sector (Yeditepe University, Ph.D. Thesis).
  • Y眉cel-Karamustafa, E. (2016). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational & Transactional Leadership Styles and Moderating Role of Gender: A Study in Turkish Energy Sector (Yeditepe University, Master Thesis).

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