Bismark Twumasi

SeniorLecturerinSocial Work

Bismark Twumasi

Teachinghas always been mypassionand having taughtsocial worksince 2013in both Further and Higher Education settings within the UK, I have thoroughly enjoyed mentoring studentsatundergraduate and postgraduatelevels.

Over thepastyears in my teaching career,I have developed keen interest in research and do enjoy supervising students in their research projects atvariouslevelswhilesembedding researchinto myteachingand practice.I havealsoadoptedalearner-centred approachandusedinnovative,creativeand research-informedmethodsinsupportingstudents’ learningatundergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Students’satisfaction, wellbeing and progress are my top priority andthereforeaim atengagingwith learners at variousstages alongtheir career journey to achieving theirownsetgoalsandobjectives.

As a qualified social workerand a Senior Lecturer in Social Work,I believe passionately intheprinciples ofhuman rights,freedom of speech or expression,social justice,equal opportunities,andrespect for others regardlessindividual’sbackgroundor identity.Also,as a qualified scientist Ibelieve inenvironmental justice, climate changeanditsimpact on society, and that social workers have a dutyas far as raising awareness of climate changeis concerned and playing a key role in tacklingthe impact ofclimate changeon societyusingevidence-informed social work interventions.



  • MSc Social Work- University of Hertfordshire
  • PgCertin Learning and Teaching(Higher Education)– Anglia Ruskin University
  • BSc (Hons) Natural Resources Management– Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


  • CPD Programme Lead (Social Work)
  • Moduleleadershipatundergraduate and postgraduate levels
  • Coursework and curriculum design
  • Researchproject supervisions
  • Social Work Practice with Children and Families
  • Social Work Theories, Methods, Interventions and Practice
  • Human Growth and Development


  • Grandparents and Special Guardianship
  • Impact of Climate Change and the implications for Social Work practice


  • Research project topic: Systematically building social capital across race, ethnicity, nationality and culture for first year students at Middlesex University: A Co-Produced ‘Nudge’ Intervention and Mixed Methods Evaluation (2016)


  • ExternalExamineratUniversity of Chester
  • Fosteringpanel member at London Borough of Barking and Dagenham


  • Hingley-Jones H, Allain L, Gleeson H, Twumasi B. (2019) “Roll back the years”: A study of grandparent special guardians' experiences and implications for social work policy and practice in England. Child & Family Social Work. 2019;1–10.
  • Twumasi, B. (2010) Evidence-Based Practice and Social Work: Implications and Relevance to Child Protection in the UK (research dissertation submitted to the University of Hertfordshire)
  • Twumasi, B (2004) Growth performance of a 10-year old teak (Tectonagrandis) grown plantation (research thesis submitted to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana)



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