Danny Golding

Challenging Journeys: Stress, Coping and Expeditions

Danny Golding

PhD (part time)

Start date: 2012

Progress: Submitted (awaiting corrections viva)

Director of Studies: Dr. Erica Cook

Second supervisor: Professor Andrew Guppy


Expeditions are commonly referred to as 鈥渁 journey with a purpose鈥; such endeavours whether scientific, educational or exploratory, involve considerable physical and psychological challenges. Expeditioners face considerable risk, uncertainty and adventure which may be regarded as stressful. However, there is little empirical evidence from expedition contexts that draw upon psychological disciplines to support these ambitious claims. The aim of my research is to explore the relevance of stress and coping to the expedition experience and consider the significance of these processes to help understand the meaningfulness of these journeys.

A qualitative methodology is used to generate rich, ecologically valid information to consider how stress is perceived by participants and how the appraisal of coping capacities is influenced emotion, behaviour and cognition. A range of methods that included: semi-structured interviews, diaries and conceptual mapping, coping flexibility questionnaires and real-time, momentary experience capture. Expeditions in Greenland, Norway, Iceland and the Pyrenees provide a rich description and personal narratives showing that specific coping behaviours and cognitions help manage difficult and extreme situations. Adventure participants may deliberately seek challenging and sometimes dangerous situations. This indicates that adventure and novel environments, contribute towards what truly defines the meaningfulness of these experiences.

Contact: danny.golding@beds.ac.uk

European Congress of Psychology 2023-Wilderness expeditions, stress and coping: a qualitative perspective.

British Association of Sport & Exercise Science (BASES) 2017-Methodology goes wild: advocating the advancement of cognitive ethnography in physical activity research.

BASES 2017 (Poster)-Working on the edge: an ethnographic study of stress, coping and expedition leadership.

British Psychological Society (BPS) Sport Division 2016-Running in search of adventure: a case study of coping with a multiday ultra-distance running challenge.

BASES 2016-Coping and self-regulation: A qualitative investigation of novice Nordic ski-marathon participants

BPS Annual Conference 2016-Journeys to wellbeing: stress, coping and expeditions

BPS Sport Division Conference 2015-Stress, coping and extreme expeditions: the coldest journey on Earth

BASES 2015-Going alone-stress, coping and solo expeditions

Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Int. Student Conference 2015-Social support, coping and expeditions

BASES Conference 2014- Coping, cohesion and expeditions- a transactional approach

RGS 亚色视频 Conference 2014- Coping and cohesion (Poster-best poster award)

BPS Social Psychology Division Conference 2014- Expedition stress, coping and cohesion

BPS Sport Division Conference 2013- Expedition stress and coping

British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference 2013- Stress, development and coping

BERA Conference 2012 - A rationale for positive psychological approaches to inclusion of disabled people in outdoor adventure

BPS Annual Conference 2012-An ethnographic study of coping and expeditions (Poster)

Working in Sport Science, I have been encouraged and supported by the 亚色视频 to pursue a variety of exciting research endeavours including studying for a PhD. RCAP specifically provides a wonderful opportunity to engage with a wide range of expert psychologists which has really expanded my knowledge this area and hugely benefitted my research. I hope this will lead to future collaborations and a number of reciprocal outputs.


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