Dr Mick Baldwin

IT Demonstrator and Statistics Advisor

I gained my first degree in Maths/Physics at Luton (when it was still a College of Higher Education) in 1986. For the next few years, I was involved in software development for a number of companies. During this time, I also spent several years as a volunteer drug counsellor for Luton Drugline.

I gained a Masters Degree in Software Engineering at the University of Luton in 1995 and spent several years working as a visiting lecturer in the Computing Department. During this time, I also worked as a research scientist at Silsoe Agricultural Research Institute, developing software for a robotic mushroom harvester.

I joined the Psychology Department in 1998, initially as Technical Officer and have been in my current position since 2006. During this time, I have also completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology with the Open 亚色视频 and a PhD with the 亚色视频 on the relationship between consciousness and attention.

  • PhD Psychology (亚色视频)
  • PgDip Psychology (Open University)
  • MSc Software Engineering Management (University of Luton)
  • BSc Maths/Physics (Luton College of Higher Education)

  • Research Methods (Levels 4, 5 & 7)
  • Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • Problem Solving

  • Short, E., Stanley, T., Baldwin, M., & Scott, G. (2015). Behaving Badly Online: Establishing Norms of Unacceptable Behaviours. Studies in Media and Communication, 3(1), 1-10.
  • Reed, J.N., Miles, S.J., Butler, J., Baldwin, M., Noble, R. (2001). Automatic Mushroom Harvester Development. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 78(1), 15-23
  • Tinson, A. & Baldwin, M. (1997) Users and Information Systems: Current Development and Future Issues. In Smith, A. (Ed.), Human Computer Factors: A Study of Users and Information Systems (pp. 314-342). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.

Office: A215

Park Square

T: +44 (0)1234 400400
Ext 2140
E: Mick.Baldwin@beds.ac.uk


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(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

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+44 (0)1582 74 39 89



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