Scene of Crime Lab

The ‘Scene of Crime Facility’ is a specialist laboratory, designed as a normal residential home, which allows students to simulate crime scenarios and put theory into practice by using the equipment and techniques needed to evaluate a real-life crime scene.

Students working in the crime scene lab

The original laboratory was formally opened in December 2013 by Crimewatch presenter Nick Ross. View video and photos from the opening here

We have since relocated the facility into the main campus building, providing additional space and facilities – all with easier access for students.

Students working in the crime scene lab

Designed as a “normal flat” the laboratory allows Forensic Science students to work in crime scene rooms (sitting room, dining room, bathroom and bedroom) each set up as if they have been the location of a range of serious offences.

Students working in the crime scene lab

Laboratory exercises require students to: assess the scene; search and identify potential evidence; recover and package the evidence for subsequent analysis.

Highlights from the BSc (Hons) Forensic Science course in 2017

Outdoor night-time crime scene simulation

As an extracurricular event, all year groups, including our Foundation students, were invited to take part in an outdoor crime scene, set at night, in the grounds of Putteridge Bury.

Nightime forensic exercise at Putteridge Bury campus

This opportunity was designed to provide a unique and exciting learning experience and to encourage collaboration between different year groups.

Forensic exercise: Searching the crime scene at Putteridge Bury

The night-time simulation was organised in collaboration with the Student Forensic Science Society. It was a huge success - the students really enjoyed it. The team work it required really brought people together. All crime-scene protocols were followed, and participants had the chance to put into practice a range of techniques, from search of evidence to collection and packaging.

The President of the Student Forensic Science Society 2016/2017

Fire Analysis

The Fire Analysis unit was delivered by Prometheus Forensic Services, who specialise in fire investigation. Photo: © Prometheus Forensic Services

Exercise with Promethesus Forensic Services ©

This unique learning experience was highly valued by our students who particularly enjoyed the opportunity to consolidate the lecture content with an external visit to watch/take part in fire investigation related demonstrations.

The lecture content made sense and I found all the information presented useful to forensic science. Really liked participating in the demonstration, as it helped apply the knowledge that I had learnt throughout the lectures.

Student feedback


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