Vahideh Bamshad

Lecturer in Project Management

I am a lecturer in Project Management and joined the Graduate School of Business in June 2023. Currently, I serve as the course coordinator for the MSc in Project Management, Project Management with Data Analytics, and Project Management with Placement. Additionally, I hold the position of unit leader at the postgraduate level.

I bring a wealth of expertise in the field of teaching, cultivated through years of dedicated experience. I leverage innovative instructional methods, adapt my approach to diverse learning styles, and am committed to continuously improving my pedagogical skills.

In my capacity as a business consultant, I collaborate closely with businesses associated with the university's RIS center, offering tailored solutions to address their specific challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

Furthermore, I am an active researcher dedicated to shedding light on various aspects of entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurial teams, entrepreneurial growth, entrepreneurial cognition, business model innovation, lean startup framework, new venture creation, and gender in entrepreneurship. I have publications in refereed journals.

Other References


  • PhD Entrepreneurship- University of Tehran
  • MSc Entrepreneurship- Allameh Tabataba'i University
  • BSc Industrial Management- Persian Gulf University

Teaching Expertise

  • Project Management Practice
  • Project and Operations Management
  • Theoretical Foundation of Entrepreneurship
  • Introduction to Business
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
  • Venture Creation and Growth

Research Interests

  • Lean startup framework
  • New Venture Creation
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Entrepreneurial Team
  • Entrepreneurial Growth
  • Entrepreneurial Cognition
  • Gender in Entrepreneurship


  • Vatankhah, S., Bamshad, V., Altinay, L., & De Vita, G. (2023). Understanding business model development through the lens of complexity theory: Enablers and barriers. Journal of Business Research, 155, 113350.
  • Bamshad, V. (2014). Identification and classification of effective factors on realization of entrepreneur government through application of fuzzy TOPSIS. Management Science Letters, 4(10), 2291-2300.
  • Bamshad, V., Talebi, K., Yazdani, H., & Arasti, Z. (2021). A Systematic Mapping Review and analysis of cognitive science in Opportunity Identification Literature: 1994-2018. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 14(1), 1-19.
  • Alizadeh, M., Soheili, S., & Bamshad, V. (2015). Bohm, A.(2004). Theoretical Coding: Text Analysis in Grounded Theory A Companion to Qualitative Research (pp. 270-274): London: Sage Publications. Hodgkin, Saralyn V.(2002). BUSINESS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 8(2), 353-369.

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