Dr Rodolphe Ocler

Senior Lecturer in Business Strategy

Rodolphe Ocler

I have been teaching strategy and qualitative research methods for over 15 years to different audiences. I joined the 亚色视频 in April 2011 and have been involved in the MBA and transnational education (TNE) programmes since then.

Before that I was Head of the Strategy, Management and Entrepreneurship department of the Chambery Savoy Business School and developed a training program for the International Labour Organization.

When not working, I enjoy taking care of my four cats, listening to jazz music and reading.


  • Qualification aux fonctions de Maitres de conferences - French Ministry of Education Recognition
  • PhD in Strategy - Universite Lumiere Lyon 2, France
  • DEA (Master in Research) - Univresite Lumiere Lyon 2/ E.M Lyon, France
  • Bcom, Specialist programme in Finance and Accounting - University of Toronto, Canada

Teaching Expertise

  • Strategic Management unit - MBA 亚色视频
  • Unit Leader, Strategic Management unit - Kaplan
  • Unit Leader, Management unit - Kaplan
  • Unit Leader, PDP in Accounting and Finance - Kaplan
  • PhD Seminar - 亚色视频
  • Strategic unit, Exec MBA, Ecole Sup茅rieure de Commerce de Chamb茅ry, France
  • Strategic unit, MBA, ECole Sup茅rieure de Commerce de Chamb茅ry, France

Research Interests

  • Discourse Analysis
  • Storytelling
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Critical and Postmodern Approach to Management

Research Projects

  • Guest Editor, Society and Business Review, Corporate Social Responsibility, Standardization and Critical Management
  • Consulting for Luton Borough Council

External Roles

  • Editor for Books, Society and Business Review
  • Reviewer, Society and Business Review
  • Reviewer, M@nagement,
  • Reviewer, Journal of Organizational Change Management


  • Professionalism and organization: polysemy of concepts and narratives of actors(with Miguel Delattre) Society and Business Review, Emerald, Volume 8, Number 1, 2013
  • Les conditions de d茅veloppement du professionnalisme des cadres en h么pitaux psychiatriques 9avec Miguel Delattre) in Le d茅veloppement professionnel des cadres apprentissage et gestion des connaissances, Ed Yvon Pesqueux, 2012, p.93-104: Paris,CNDP ESEN
  • Polysemy of organizations and organization of polysemy: A French approach, (with Miguel Delattre) Management and Marketing Review January 2010
  • The downside of Downsizing: using research action as consulting process, Annals of the University of Craiova - Economic Sciences Series, January 2010
  • Analyse de discours et organisations: mythes fantasmes, non-dits et quiproquo, edited by Rodolphe Ocler L'Harmattan January 2010
  • Discourse analysis and social corporate responsibility: a qualitative approach, Society and Business Review, Emerald, Volume 4, Number 3, 2009
  • Grounding dynamic CRS: a Mass market case analysis (with Miguel Delattre and Pascal Moulette) RESADDERSEE International (RI) , Vol 1 N1, July 2009
  • Politique d'ancrage d'une dynamique manag茅riale responsable : dispositifs dans la Grande distribution (en collaboration avec Miguel Delattre et Pascal Moulette) RESADDERSEE International (RI) Vol 1 N 1, juillet 2009
  • Singularity of qualitative research: from collecting information to producing results (with M. Delattre, P. Moulette and K. Rimeyko), Tamara, Journal for Critical Postmodern Organization, Vol 7.2, April 2009

Contact Details

T: +44 (0)1582 489105
E: rodolphe.ocler@beds.ac.uk


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