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School of Arts and Creative industries Banner

Arts & Creative Industries at Bedfordshire

We pride ourselves on offering inspiring and engaging courses that develop creative thinking as a key to the world of work. Courses are designed with employability in mind, with real-world projects, professional practice and work placements to provide you with an excellent foundation for your career.

With access to industry-standard, state-of-the-art facilities, including a fully-equipped television studio, a 260-seat professional theatre and various art and design workshops, we provide an exciting and dynamic hands-on teaching and learning experience.

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"The experience I had studying at Beds was phenomenal, three hard-working years of solid dedication and a supportive community of staff and students enabled me to be where I am today."

Elijah McBean

Research Institute for Media, Arts and Performance

With a mature research base in media, and highly active exhibition culture in art and design, the institute welcomes applications for Masters by Research and PhDs.