Postgraduate Research Forum

CRELLA Postgraduate Research Forum is held fortnightly (usually on Wednesdays at Putteridge Bury).

The forum provides postgraduate students with opportunities to discuss their studies in a friendly atmosphere and they get constructive feedback from their fellow postgraduate students, Director of Studies (DoS) and other staff members.

We expect all full-time students to attend all meetings.

Full-time students are expected to lead two meetings a year and part-time students one a year.

PG01 Research Forum in progressPG02 Research Forum in progress

Meeting format

In every meeting, one postgraduate student takes a lead role, but the content could differ depending on the stage of their studies and how they want to use the forum.

Examples include:

  • a work-in-progress presentation (or present a research proposal): raising issues or highlighting problems that you would like others to comment on. Your fellow postgraduate students, your DoS and other staff members will discuss the issues raised.
  • a reading discussion: You could suggest an article in advance, which you find interesting, controversial or difficult, for the group to read and discuss.
  • a practice conference presentation: Your fellow postgraduate students, your DoS and other staff members will ask questions as a conference audience, and then give constructive feedback.
  • viva preparation: If you are waiting for a viva, you can have a mock viva, where you make a short presentation, and a neutral staff member (i.e. not a supervisor or examiner) acting as an examiner in the meeting will lead the questioning. After that, you will also get questions from other students or other staff members

PG Support Network 2022 - 2023

Date Leader Session
12 April 2023 Dr Johnathan Jones Introduction to R
19 April 2023 Dr Nicola Latimer What can ET reveal about reading? (presented to Psychology Research Group)
14 June 2023 Dr Fumiyo Nakatsuhara & Dr Johnathan Jones Academic career journey
28 June 2023 Steve Jones An investigation into the pertinent features of high-quality synthesis writing and the impact of teacher feedback on integrated writing skills


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086
