CRELLA Lancaster archive

In 2009 CRELLA benefited from the donation of an extensive archive of testing materials and resources created over the last thirty years at Lancaster University. These resources contribute to the status of CRELLA as the UK's main research centre in the field, and are open to CRELLA and external staff and students.

They include materials relating to over 50 test providers and examination boards in the UK and internationally, with samples of tests, specifications and information on test development.

A full list of the test providers and Exam boards represented in the CRELLA Lancaster archive can be found below:

  • AEB: Associated Examining Board
  • APA
  • ALTE
  • Accutrak (Texas Criterion-Referenced System for Oral Languages)
  • British Council
  • The Bobbs-Merrill Company (BM)
  • The Canada-China Language Training Centre
  • CAL: Centre for Applied Linguistics
  • Canada
  • Carleton Test
  • Civil Service Commission
  • City and Guilds
  • Centra
  • Deutscher Vlkshochschul-verband E.V
  • Department for Education and Employment (UK)
  • Durrell - Sullivan: Reading Capacity and Achievement Tests
  • Doren Diagnostic Reading Test
  • EDAC: Evaluation Dissemination and Assessment Centre
  • ELBA: English Language Battery
  • European Baccalaureate
  • Edinburgh Reading Tests
  • University of Edinburgh
  • Educational Testing Service
  • GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test
  • GAP
  • Oral English Exam - Hong Kong
  • Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
  • Intensive English Language Course
  • Inter-American Series
  • Joint Matriculation Board (JMB)
  • Kuwait Test
  • University of Lancaster
  • University of London
  • London Chamber of Commerce & Industry
  • Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)
  • MEG: Midland Examining Group
  • The Oxford-ARELS examinations in English as a Foreign Language
  • Oxford
  • OCEA
  • OIBEC: Oxford International Business English Certificate
  • University of Oxford: Delegacy of local Examinations
  • Phonepass
  • PLAB: Professional and linguistic assessments board test
  • State of Qatar
  • STEP
  • Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Scottish Examination Board
  • School Examinations and Assessment Council
  • Scottish Examination Board
  • Trinity
  • TWE: Test of Written English


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086
