Support of dissemination and exploitation of results obtained in research projects realized with the participation of the SME sector

USE and DIFFUSE logo

  • Title: USE&DIFFUSE
  • Programme: FP7-SME-2007-3, No 216741
  • Contractor: Politechnika Krakowska (Poland)
  • Area of Activity: research for the benefit of SMEs
  • Duration of the Project: 30 months
  • EC financing: 688,557 EUR

The Strategic Objective of this project is to enhance dissemination and exploitation of research results and facilitate the exchange of best practices in this area. The target group of the inherent activities carried out over this course of this project are RTD performers, both those which were involved in previous Framework Programmes, as well as those planning to participate in actions under the scope of “Research for the benefit of SMEs’” in the 7th Framework Programmes, and within key industrial sectors (ICT, Health).

This project will concentrate on the development and implementation of strategies aiming at reinforced exploitation of RTD results and clustering of projects on common topics to improve interaction and joint dissemination and exploitation activities.

Operational Objectives

  • Identification of best practices in the area of dissemination and practical exploitation of results obtained from research projects involving SMEs
  • Development an effective Methodology for the Dissemination and Exploitation of RTD results
  • Exchange of best practices in dissemination and practical exploitation of results obtained in research projects
  • To establish a meeting place for stakeholders from across the Enlarged Europe who are interested in optimising the Dissemination and Use of RTD results

Contact Information

Dr Elly Philpott


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