Second Transnational Meeting in a Virtual Space

The Land Mobility project held its Second Transnational Meeting (TNM) on 23rd June 2020 in a virtual space due to the current COVID-19 travel restrictions. Representatives from six partners in four countries, Ireland, UK, Belgium and Poland, gathered in a virtual meeting space. The UoB project team members, Yanqing Duan, Yongmei Bentley, Patricia Wilson and Anjali Shegunshi, attended this meeting.

The meeting host, the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre (PFA), welcomed all participants. The project coordinator, Macra na Feirme, gave an overview of timeline and project achievements to date and the COVID-19 impact on the project. The Intellectual Outputs leaders presented their updates for each IO milestones: Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (IO1), 亚色视频 (IO2) and the Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre (IO3). Partners also reviewed the project management and budget reporting, and the dissemination activities.

PowerPoint slide - diogital training materials

Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the partners discussed and revised the key project deliverables, deadliness, next transnational meetings (TNM), teaching & training learning activities (TTL) and multiplier events (ME). According to the plan, the partners hope to meet face to face in November 2020 in the UK. UoB team members are looking forward to hosting and welcoming all partners in Luton!

Finally, the project IO1 leader, GMIT, has developed an online training needs survey and was inviting project beneficiaries to participate in the survey. The findings of the training needs survey will provide valuable feedback for the project to develop the most relevant and effective training materials for Land Mobility beneficiaries, including farmers, farm land owners, graduates, rural entrepreneurs, government support services, and other relevant parties.

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