First Transnational Project Meeting in a Virtual Space

The AWARE project held its First Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) online on 18th March 2021.


Representatives from six partners in five countries, Ireland, UK, Italy, Belgium and Poland, gathered in a virtual meeting space.

Screenshot of participants

The aim of this TPM1 was to carry out a project analysis and mapping with partners, to discuss and agree project management, communication and financial strategies.

The project coordinator from the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) gave an overview of the main documents: grant agreement, partnership agreements, financial schedule, project timeline, milestones and outputs. A project management team, including one representative from each partner organisation, was also created.

The partners discussed their roles and responsibilities, communication strategy, possible dissemination activities and had a first look at several examples of the project's logo. They also discussed and agreed on key project dates: transnational partners meetings (TPM), learning, teaching & training activities (LTTA) and multiplier events (E).

For more information about the project, please visit:


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