BMRI Day: 11th January 2018

Dr Bentley's presentation

The Business and Management Research Institute (BMRI) held a series of brief talks to increase awareness of BMRI initiatives and policies to staff and encourage them to be more research active. About 30 participants (academic staff and PGR students) attended the event.

Prof Ram Ramanathan, Director, BMRI started the event by providing an overview of BMRI, its objectives, an extract of Faculty’s Business Plan, achievements in the previous year, and plans for the current year. He provided a list of successful proposals for BMRI Internal Project funding 2017-18. He highlighted the requirement in the Faculty Business Plan to have at least four public engagement activities per year per research centre evidencing student recruitment, funding and/or research impact.

The overview of BMRI was followed by brief presentations by leaders of BMRI’s five research centres.

Dr Crina Baltag, Acting leader for the Centre for Research in Law (CRiL) was the first to present highlights of the achievements and activities of the research centre. It was highlighted that CRiL was actively represented in external and internal conferences, seminars and workshops and had a constant number of excellent quality publications in international journals and books.

BMRI day - happy group

This was followed by presentations by Dr Sandar Win on the activities of the Centre for Research in Contemporary Accounting, Finance and Economics (ResCAFE), by Dr Alia El Banna on the activities of the Centre for International Business and Marketing (CIBAM), by Dr Christina Schwabenland on the activities of the Centre for Leadership Innovation (CLI), and by Professor Yanqing Duan on the activities of the Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC).

Finally, Dr Mohamed Saeudy presented his ideas for a new research centre on sustainability accounting. Queries were raised on the distinction between existing ResCAFE research centre and the new proposed centre, and it was agreed that the idea of sustainability would be the main distinctive feature. Highlights of these presentations include recent funding submissions in ResCAFE, Writing retreat by CLI, funding successes in BISC, and PhD bursaries awarded to CIBAM and CRiL centre leaders.

Principal Investigators of successful projects with BMRI’s internal funding 2016/17 presented findings of their research projects in the afternoon session.

No Names of PI Title
1 Yongmei Bentley Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Block Teaching as an Innovative Approach for Masters Programmes at UBBS
2 Alexander Kofinas
(presented by Sajeel Ahmed)
Practice-Based Pedagogy: Using Facebook groups to manage business projects
3 Yanqing Duan Understanding SMEs corporate sustainability behaviour from a personal value’s perspective
4 Yanqing Duan Understanding the critical success factors for Learning Analytics success from an IT affordance perspective
5 Elena Gualco The situation of asylum seeking minors in the UK: from ‘failed asylum seekers’ to ‘failed sponsors’ within family reunification procedures?
6 Christina Schwabenland Creating Positive Cultures: Impact Case Study
7 Guangming Cao Marketing Analytics and Its Impact on Firm Performance: Evidence from UK Firms
8 Ram Ramanathan Supporting SMEs in using Big Data in India with UK experience

Finally, Professor Ramanathan discussed BMRI’s preparations on the ensuing Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) highlighting some of (HEFCE) in November 2017.

The event ended with thanks from BMRI Director.


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