Bedfordshire Graduate Pathway


The Graduate Pathway includes four stages that are aligned to Begin – Thrive – Succeed. It provides a breakdown of how students are supported to develop ÑÇÉ«ÊÓƵ Graduate Competencies throughout their course.

Stage 1: Pre-arrival (Begin)

Prior to joining the University, all students will receive a guide that introduces them to studying their subject at Bedfordshire. This will be students first introduction to how their course will support their employability development.

Stage 2: Induction (Begin)

The Learning to Learn pathway maps out content to cover during new student inductions (from between Welcome week and Week 6 of teaching). This includes consideration of how employability should be introduced to students.

Stage 3: Course specific graduate competency map (Thrive)

As per the Curriculum Framework Co-creation Strand it is strongly recommended that maps are co-created. These would include course teams working with learners, teaching and learning practitioners and industry experts.A graduate competency map should outline how graduate competencies are developed throughout a course (and across all units). Areas to consider:

How is graduate competency development highlighted in sessions delivered by:

- course team?

- learning and teaching professional teams (e.g. Academic Liaison Librarians)?

- employers?

How do work-based and/or work-related learning opportunities support development of graduate competencies?

How do guided learning materials support development of graduate competencies?

How do assessments collectively support development of graduate competencies?

How do assessment briefs demonstrate which graduate competencies they develop?

When do students receive feedback on their graduate competency development? (e.g. assessment feedback / use of recap points in taught sessions / Personal Academic Tutor sessions).

When creating a map consideration should be given as to how to ensure consistent messaging and scaffolded development across units. Consideration should also be given as to when students will need specific competencies/skills and how these will be developed. Particular focus should be given to key transition points (e.g. L4 to L5).

The Careers Consultancy Agreement Audit and Planning Toolkit includes a template for mapping out graduate competency development (available via the ).

Supplementary development opportunities

Supplementary units and/or targeted teaching for students (e.g. provided by teams such as Learning Development, Centre for English as a Foreign Language, Academic Liaison Librarians and Microsoft Office Training) would not be included in a course specific graduate competencies map. This is because these opportunities may not be accessed by all students studying on that course. However, where appropriate graduate competency maps should be shared with teams providing supplementary units/support to facilitate constructive alignment with course content.

Maintaining a graduate competencies map

Course teams are encouraged to review and update course specific graduate competency maps on an annual basis. Priorities for development should be included in Course Enhancement Plans.

Graduate competency highlights

To support students to provide examples of how they have developed graduate competencies, course teams should identify the three strong examples for each graduate competency from across their course. A summary of these highlighted examples can then be used to support discussions with students related to developing application forms or interview techniques.

Stage 4: Graduate Support Package (Succeed)

The Graduate Support Package offers ongoing tailored careers support to graduates, with access to projects, initiatives and resources designed to further develop their power and professional skills based on the latest labour market intelligence.

The offer includes the opportunity to undertake the Graduate Advancement Placement programme to continue to gain Graduate Attributes and the Bedfordshire Career Development Award enables continuous learning, to support graduates to confidently articulate their skills and achievements.

A range of webinars and events throughout the year are tailored to our diverse demographic, and continued access to Handshake and Beds Career Builder, enhances the graduate attributes employers are looking for.
