General Website Disclaimer

University Website Disclaimer and other Website Information

1.1 General Disclaimer

The information about courses provided in this website is intended to give potential applicants an overview of the programmes that the University intends to make available in the next academic year.

Every effort is made to ensure that the information in the website is accurate. However, it may become necessary for the University to make changes, for example to programme content, course delivery and fees, due to legitimate staffing, financial regulatory and academic reasons including (but not limited to) industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, withdrawal or reduction of funding, the requirements of the quality code of the Quality Assurance Agency or a change of law. The University will endeavour at all times to keep such changes to a minimum and to keep students informed appropriately.

If a course is not provided in whole or in part, the University will take such steps as are available to it to minimise the effect of any alteration or withdrawal. Such steps may include alterations to delivery of teaching or assessment, the offer of a place on an alternative course or the offer to transfer to another course at the University or elsewhere.

You will be entitled to decline to accept the changes to the programme and withdraw but not to receive a refund for those parts of the programme that you have completed whether or not you have passed any assessment. If there are any physical restrictions as to access, then depending on a student鈥檚 disability, reasonable adjustments will be made.

1.2 Links to Third Party Information

The University website links to some third party information providers who are not affiliated with the 亚色视频.

Regardless of whether a third party is affiliated, the University has not taken any steps to confirm the accuracy or reliability of any of the information contained in such third parties' websites, and does not make any representations or warranties as to the security of any information (including, without limitation, personal information) you might be requested to give any third party.

1.3 Cookies

The University uses cookies to track usage on our websites and to provide the University听听with statistics that show how many visitors we have had and the general trend of visitor activities.

None of the information can be traced to an individual person and the cookie only relates to activity on our websites. The cookies do not collect additional information about you and do not in any way compromise the security of your computer.

Anonymous Cookie Data will kept by Google Analytics for 26 months.

Please visit for information on how to disable and delete cookies from your computer.

2. Copyright information

Materials contained on this website are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights.

The 亚色视频 grants permission for the browsing of material it has published on its website pages. It also grants permission to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions one copy only of any page of this material for personal reference only.

Copyright in all material on this website (unless otherwise indicated) is held by the 亚色视频. The express permission of the Copyright holder must be obtained for any use of this material other than for purposes permitted by law.

3. Image Capture

The policy of the University is that the rights of staff, students and visitors to the University, or individuals and groups who are visited by the University鈥檚 representatives, should not be jeopardised by any 亚色视频 activity. The University further recognises its responsibilities towards children and young people.

Images may be captured during events organised and hosted by the University using film photography, digital photography, video or other medium and may be used on the University websites, University prospectus or course brochures, other publicity material (such as internal and external newsletters), exhibition of student work or graduation ceremony brochure and may be provided to the media for publication in local or national newspapers or educational magazines.

The 亚色视频 acknowledges its responsibilities in capturing images by photography or other means under the provisions of the following legislation:

  • The Children and Young Persons Act 1963: The University undertakes to seek a licence where necessary from the appropriate local authority for any performance activity in which children are taking part and which may be recorded with a view to being broadcast, published or shown to the public.
  • The Protection of Children Act 1978: The University recognises that it is a criminal offence to take, permit to be taken, distribute, have in one鈥檚 possession or publish indecent photographs (including films and other imagery) of children.
  • The Human Rights Act 1998: The University recognises an individual鈥檚 rights to privacy as protected by this Act.
  • The Data Protection Act: The University undertakes to inform all those whose images may be recorded (or their parents/guardians if under 18 years of age) of the purposes for which the images may be used by the University in compliance with GDPR

In this context the University informs all persons taking part in 亚色视频 activities that they may be photographed, filmed, videoed or otherwise captured in image form.

Where possible and practical to do so, the University seeks written consent to image capture. Where this is not possible for practical reasons, unless express objections are received, individuals attending an event at the 亚色视频 are deemed to have given their consent by attending or remaining at the event.

Any queries or complaints should be raised with the event host in the first instance.

4. Trademarks and logos

The 亚色视频 is a registered trademark along with its logos. Other product and company names mentioned on this website may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

The University鈥檚 trademarks may only be used in applications approved by the University. They may not be used in any other context without the express consent of the University.

Requests to use the University logo should be made to:

Andrea Madar
Recruitment, Outreach, Admissions and Marketing (ROAM)
University Square


5. Privacy Statement

Any personal information you provide will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and used only for the reason specified at the point of collection.

Personal and contact information you submit on this website may be held in a database. From time to time we may send you information about the University.

To improve the usability of our forms some may use third party suppliers. We currently use , and .

We will never sell license or trade your personal details to any third party. Read our Privacy Statement here

6. Third Party Rights

The Contract is between you and the University. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

7. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by English law. The Courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.


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